Thursday 31 May 2018

Employee Relations and its' importance for an organization

Relationships between employees and employer or management create very significant value in any workplace. It is important to understand the ways that human relations could impact the costs, competitiveness and long-term economic sustainability of a organization. This realization would help to highlight the importance of employee relation in the organization.It has been proven that if strong employee relationship are maintained, employees will generally tend to be more productive and more efficient in their routine work.

Why strong employee relations are important for an organization?

Retain loyal employees

Losing an employee to a competitor can be devastating, but unfortunately, employees who do not have an amicable relationship with their employers are more likely to leave. When an employee feels comfortable around their employer, and appreciated, they are far more likely to remain loyal. Companies that encourage positive relationships between employees and management team are generally more successful, and since their employees are more likely to stick around, they don’t spend as much on recruiting, hiring and training new employees.

Reduce workplace conflicts

According to  natural human behavior, when a person enjoys being around their managers and co-workers, they are less likely to seek out conflicts. A peaceful workplace is just one of the many benefits of strong employee-employer relationships. Conflicts reduce productivity levels and increase dissatisfaction.

Motivation and Productivity

Workplace relationships provide a source of employee motivation, which is important to maintaining productivity. Employees who are interested in their work and in the well-being of other employees tend to be more productive than those who are not. This productivity pays obvious financial dividends to the company, as it can get more done in less time with fewer costs.

How to achieve strong employee relations?

Motivate employees

Motivating the employees is the first step towards developing a strong employee relation at workplace. It is important to remember to encourage them and motivate them as much possible. More motivated and encouraged the employees feel, more loyal they are. And such an effort always leads to a better possible work environment and thus create a great working environment.

Define feasible goals

Setting feasible and achievable goals for the employees create good results in terms of the importance of employee relations at the workplace. The management staff should ensure that to define proper goals for the employees that can be easily achieved. Once the employee see a concrete goal in front of them, it can often give them the urge to work more efficiently and thus become more productive.


Petryni, M. (2018) The Importance of Human Relations in the Workplace. The Importance of Human Relations in the Workplace| [Online]. available at < >. [Accessed on 30th May 2018]..

Majumder, S. (2017) Why Employee Relations are Important in an Organization?. Why Employee Relations are Important in an Organization? [Online]. available at < >. [Accessed on 30th May 2018]..

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